Skinny Baked Chicken Salad Unwich
November 9, 2016
Kroger Healthy Savings 12/7-12/13
December 7, 2016
Skinny Baked Chicken Salad Unwich
November 9, 2016
Kroger Healthy Savings 12/7-12/13
December 7, 2016

kroger savings

Who doesn’t like to save money? Not sure about you all, but I love to save money and love to buy my pantry-friendly items at local supermarkets. At Skinny Louisiana, we are OVER the statement ‘We must go to the fancy store to buy healthy food.’

Guess what? I am starting a new blog series at Skinny Louisiana, ‘Healthy Savings!’ I will dig in grocery store weekly ads and give you my top picks for what’s healthy and on sale! I may even throw in some of my favorite recipes so you know exactly what to prepare with your foods!

Let’s start with a favorite, Kroger.

Healthy Savings at Kroger for Wednesday, November 30 through Tuesday December 6th.


Avocados 4/$1

Green Cabbage $0.49 lb.

Try with my Yummy Mardi Gras Slaw.

Tomatoes $0.99 lb.
Try with my Creole Style Tomato Salad

Blueberries, Blackberries, & Raspberries 2/$5


Boneless Pork Tenderloin $2.77 lb.


Wonderful Pistachios 2/$7


Kraft Salad Dressing (be sure to pick the vinegarette!) $1.49 (when you buy 4)

Nut Butters:

Peter Pan Peanut Butter $1.49 (when you buy 4)
Try with my Skinny Chunky Monkey Dip

What stores do you want to see in our series?