Skinny Louisiana... Dines Out
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Skinny Louisiana… Dines Out will showcase healthier (Skinny Louisiana approved) foods from local Shreveport/Bossier restaurants. Restaurant/chefs could choose 1 or all options giving patrons healthier options. Culinary dietitian and cookbook author, Shelly Marie Redmond, will work one-on-one with your team to execute healthy selections for your clientele.
Option 1
Allow patrons to switch out starch for an additional vegetable/salad. OR Allow patrons to order a sandwich/burger bread less or bun less.
COST: There is no cost to you. Skinny Louisiana will provide laminated menu insert and will come in to train your wait staff.
Option 2
Allow menu items/offerings to be reviewed by Shelly and note selection that are:
- Heart healthy (following AHA guidelines)
- Vegan
- Gluten free
- Skinny Louisiana approved (under 30 grams carbs)
- Low sodium
Shelly Marie Redmond and the Skinny Louisiana team will need a listing of the ingredients. This will be kept confidential and returned to restaurant/chef manager.
COST: Change of menu. Offer to come in for a training of the wait staff.
Option 3
Use of any recipe in the Skinny Louisiana cookbook in menu.
COST: No cost BUT must indicate the dish is from Skinny Louisiana. Menu change needed.
Option 4
Nutrition analysis of menu. Confidential review of ingredients on all offerings using FDA approved software. Would only need ingredients.
COST: $20 a recipe.
Option 5
Shelly goes into help chef develop a recipe OR cocktail that is Skinny Louisiana approved. This would be an entree (under 30 grams of carbs, 5 grams of fiber or higher), side/dessert (under 15 grams of carbs, 5 grams of fiber or higher), cocktail (under 10 grams of carbs).
COST: Negotiable depending on request. Would Facebook Live from the restaurant.
All Options will Receive: (6 month agreement)
- 2 Facebook post a month on Skinny Louisiana page (time/date of your choosing).
- 1 Instagram post a month
- 1 blog post - placed under Skinny Louisiana…Dines
- 1 article in our e-newsletter (Sent first Monday of the month)
- 1 Facebook Live video announcement (from restaurant OR on our TV Show)
Skinny Louisiana's Reach Includes:
- Facebook - 3400 + likes
- Instagram - 1850 + fans
- E-newsletter - 600 + subscribers
- Facebook Live TV Show Views - average 5000 views, 20 shares
- Monthly Segment on KTAL NBC 6 News
- Client Load - 20 clients weekly. Referrals from the Family Doctors and Drug Emporium.
Participating Restaurants